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Microsoft Edge browser will be powered by Google Chrome

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Microsoft Edge browser will be powered by Google Chrome
Internet Explorer once ran the World Wide Web. Over time, IE languished and was knocked down by Firefox and Google Chrome. Microsoft then resisted with a new browser called Edge.

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Edge was a novelty inside and out, designed to provide the best viewing experience in Windows 10. That was three years ago. Today, even though it is a great browser, Edge is still trying to draw in most of the crowd.

Obviously, Microsoft decided that it was time for a radical change in strategy. The company has announced that it intends to completely redefine Edge. To do this, Microsoft will build it on the basis of the same code that is used in Google Chrome.

Today on his Microsoft blog, Joe Belfiore announced that future editions of Edge will be based on Chromium's open source project. Chrome is the best thing in web browsing today. It provides a kernel not only for Google Chrome, but also for Opera, Vivaldi, and many other desktop and mobile browsers.

This is kind of a big deal. Chromium is an open source project, and not only Google engineers are contributing the code. This, however, is a project that was created by Google and the Googlers still contribute the vast majority of the code.

So why did Microsoft turn to the software that one of its competitors created and helped with the development? Belfiore touched on a number of reasons why Microsoft makes the transition in its post. This includes improved compatibility, more frequent updates, and the ability to port Edge to more platforms (such as Mac OS).

Probably the biggest advantage that Belfiore has not touched is that this change should reduce the amount of effort Microsoft should devote to browser development. Instead of working on bugs and issues that affect only its own browser, Microsoft can rely on the existing Chromium community for this work - and devote its resources to creating unique features and providing the best possible experience for Edge users.

Microsoft has already appealed to web designers, programmers, and testers who want to help set up a brand new Edge browser. The first pre-build will be released in early 2019, so we can only see it later when an update for Windows 10 appears.

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