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So if you could save your precious time with simple things while searching on Google and do your job in seconds, it sounds pretty impressive, so let's see how to use it and save time with simple keywords.
* Google Calculator:
Starting with the simplest things - a calculator, we often use it to solve our daily calculations from simple to the most complex Google calculator, which can be very easy to use and operate.
Just enter - CALCULATOR in the search bar on the Google homepage and it will appear on the search page. Where you, without going to any site, can solve the equations.
* Google translator:
With it, you can translate any word or sentence. You need to enter Google Translate or Translate in the Google search bar, and it will look like this, now we typed “Hello” in the left field and we want to translate it into French, in the right field we need to select the French language and it will automatically translate: “ Hello, in French - Salut »
* Google Currency Converter:
We all know that the price of a currency changes up and down daily, and tracking the exact price of a currency can be very difficult, but with the Google Currency Converter you can check the price of any currency without any problems, just enter the Google Currency Converter in the Google search bar . The currency calculator will open immediately. we want to know how much it costs $ 1. We enter the value in the first field, and opposite the second field, select the currency of the country of interest. After selecting, below, the conversion result will immediately appear
* Google Graphing Calculator:
Now with the help of Google's online graphing calculator you can find a graph of any curve. For example, we want to know the graph of the "function Graph of the function x ^ 5", we simply enter this query into the search and Google immediately calculates and displays the graph, which you can change with the mouse.
* Google time:
Using Google’s time, you can check the time in any country or city, simply by typing the name of the city in which you want to find out the time, for example, we want to find out the time in Moscow, we simply type in the search “time in Moscow” and google displays on the panel search time along with date.
* Google Flight Time:
You can save your time and track your flight in seconds in a Google search by simply typing the name Flight along with the flight number, and it will give you an instant result. For example, we want to track Flight wn569, we just type the keyword “Flight wn569” in the Google search bar, and it will give the result on the page.
* Conversion to Google Unit:
This is also a wonderful thing that we can do at Google and we can save a huge amount of time using Google Unit Conversion, we can convert any unit we want into from length, volume, etc. For example, convert 100 meters to yards, we just type 100 meters in yards and it will automatically give a result in yards.
* Google Calorie Comparison:
Here you can compare calories, nutrients, protein, fat, etc. in your favorite foods and have the right diet that can help you stay healthy and fit. Just enter the search query “Hot Dog Calories” and you will see the result of the energy value of the hot dog, and you can choose any other product from the list provided.