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How to create a floating IP address on DigitalOcean

1806   |     /   IT

How to create a floating IP address on DigitalOcean
DigitalOcean's Floating IP Address is a public static IP address that can be assigned to one of you where it will direct its traffic. A floating IP address can also be instantly reassigned via the DigitalOcean control panel or API for one of you in the same data center.

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Assigning your first floating IP address to DigitalOcean

1, First, go to the DigitalOcean control panel.

2, Click the “Network” link (main navigation menu),

3.Then floating IPs in the side menu. When you first visit the page, you will see a page that says that you do not have floating IP addresses, but you can create them:

4 Create a floating IP address by selecting one of your "Droplets" and clicking on the "Assign floating IP address" button. If you want to acquire a floating IP address without immediately assigning it Droplets,

5 Now you can simply select a specific date center from the list.

Please note that floating IPs are a free service if assigned by "Droplets". Unallocated floating IP addresses carry a small cost, which is indicated in the control panel.

View floating IPs on DigitalOcean

On the Floating IPs page, a few minutes after you assign the floating IP address, you will see a new floating IP address that points to the "Droplets" you selected:

If you have at least one floating IP address, this page will display a list of your floating IP addresses, which includes the following information about each entry:

Address: floating IP address that can be accessed in a web browser

Datacenter: The data center where the floating IP was created. Floating IP can only be assigned to "Droplets" in the same data center.

Droplets: the droplet to which the floating IP is assigned. Requests sent to the floating IP address will be directed to this "Droplets". It can also be set to Unassigned, which means that the floating IP is reserved, but will not forward network traffic to any Droplets

Editing floating IPs

In addition to floating IP information, the Floating IPs page also allows you to do the following:

Reassign (Blue Pen button): Assign a floating IP address to another "Droplets" in the same data center. You can also reassign the floating IP address.

Delete (Red X button): free floating IP address from your account

If you want to quickly assign your floating IP address to another "Droplets", just click on the "Transfer" button, then select the desired "Droplets". In a few moments, floating IP information will be updated and its traffic will be routed accordingly.

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