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How to protect your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles

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How to protect your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles
Although these sites are great for communicating with friends, acquaintances, and strangers, it's important to remember what you do. Slippery privacy control makes it easy for someone to quickly collect a lot of information about any particular user - it's just a matter of trawling in different social networks.

Fortunately, protection against such heinous acts is relatively simple. Just follow our step by step instructions.

Virtual phone number for Facebook registration

How to protect your Facebook profile:

Step 1 - Find Your Privacy Settings

Going on his device on Facebook, he will immediately design you messages and news from your friends. To start the adjustment, click on the lock icon in the upper right corner of the main screen.

Step 2 - Choose who can see your posts:

When you change who on Facebook can see your status updates, we recommend the Friends option. This limits your status updates to those you have chosen as friends, and not to everyone with a social network account.

Step 3 - Choose who can see the posts you have been tagged on your wall.

According to Facebook, what you posted and what people posted about you are two different things. To change what you marked on your wall, click on the “Advanced Settings” section to open the full set of security settings, then “Timeline” and “Tagging”. Finally, select your friends in the section “who can see the posts you have been tagged on your wall?”.

Step 4 - Change Who Can See Your Old Messages

Facebook makes a distinction between new posts on the timeline (that is, those that you will do in the future) and old posts that you have done in the past. This means that you need to retrospectively apply the new settings that you selected for past posts. To do this, click the "Privacy" tab, then limit the audience to old messages in the timeline and "Limit old messages."

Step 5 - Add 2-Step Verification to Your Account.

2-step verification means that your account is password protected and your phone. This means that anyone who breaks your password will still not be able to access your account with a security code sent to your mobile phone using text. To enable this feature, go to the "Security", "Authorization" and "Enter the security code to access the account from unknown browsers" sections.

Step 6 - Check Who Can Find You Using Your Phone and Email

Have you ever given your email address or mobile number to anyone other than friends, relatives or colleagues? Probably yes. Most of us use our daily email address when creating online user accounts. By default, each Facebook account is configured so that search engines can link to your profile, and anyone can find someone using this data (for example, entering them into the Facebook search bar). This means that anyone (or any automatic search engine) can find and potentially save your data, location and photo - and potentially more data depending on your settings.

To change this, click the lock icon in the upper right corner of the Facebook desktop version, then click “Who can contact me”? and then see the advanced settings at the bottom of the menu. The settings and privacy settings screen will appear (if not, click "Privacy" in the left menu). Check the options that appear in the “Who can find me?” Section and click “Change” to check or change the default settings.

In the case of your email or phone information. You can select “Friends” or “Friends of Friends” associated with your Facebook account, if you want to be more secure, do not let Facebook have your number.


How to protect your Twitter profile:

Step 1 - Find your privacy settings:

Twitter is designed so that everyone can see what you write. Not only your friends, but also professional colleagues and other people who find your posts interesting. However, you can restrict who sees your messages if you want. Click the cog icon and then Settings.

Step 2 - Protect Your Tweets

Click on the “Security and Privacy” tab in the menu on the left and scroll down to “Protect My Tweets”.

Step 3 - Add 2-Step Verification to Your Account

It is very simple for Twitter. Click “Submit Login Confirmation Requests”, enter your phone number and you will receive a text confirming that you are protected.

How to protect your LinkedIn profile:

Step 1 - Find Your Privacy Settings

LinkedIn is the place where your resume lives online. This means that you should think about what you share there. For example, the year you started university is a good indicator of your date of birth. Editing this information is done on your profile, but you can access the privacy and security settings by clicking on your profile picture in the upper left corner of your home page.

Step 2 - Manage Security Settings

Click “Account” on the lefthand menu, and then “Manage Security Settings”.

Step 3 - Enable 2-Step Verification

Click to enable 2-step verification, confirm your phone number with a code, now everything is configured.

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