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How to boost your MacBook's battery life

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How to boost your MacBook's battery life
MacBook batteries can last most of a working day before you need to plug in the device for a recharge, and Apple reckons the latest models can last for the whole working day.

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However, many older MacBooks can’t match this battery longevity, as batteries tend to diminish over time. But who doesn’t want to be able to use their laptop for as long as possible before giving in to being tethered to the wall while it recharges? 

One way to overcome this tethering tyranny is to carry an external MacBook battery pack. This adds to the bulk in your bag, but buys you a few more hours of mobile working or entertainment.

However, judicious use of preferences on the best Macs can make a material difference. Thankfully, macOS High Sierra provides several built-in energy monitoring and management tools to help you eke out extra battery life. Turning off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth may be sensible options – both use energy looking for wireless connections, but you need to decide whether you want to be without the ability to use AirDrop, iCloud Drive and iMessage before you decide.

For more ideas on how to improve the battery life of your MacBook, look video below.

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